The Space Text…

He is a comic I made taken from a text conversation with my friend Mateo Continue Reading yo
it is what it is
He is a comic I made taken from a text conversation with my friend Mateo Continue Reading yo
a bundle of weird music videos Continue Reading yo
Stoner vision.. Happiness from Steve Cutts on Vimeo. “Summertime” – Emmanuelle Walker from WIZZ design on Vimeo. IN-SHADOW: A Modern Odyssey from Lubomir Arsov on Vimeo. I want Continue Reading yo
Stoner Vision for your mothers kids. Continue Reading yo
Sunday Morning cartoons #11 , perfect for the lazy Sunday morn. This one is for people that think they are cool , but really know they are not. 🙂 Continue Reading yo
Sunday Morning Stoner Vision for the person with a hangover on a Church day. Takes a sec to load,but worth it when it does.Oh yeah Happy Easter! Continue Reading yo
Sunday Morning Stoner Vision for the actively challenged. Takes a sec to load,but worth it when it does. Continue Reading yo
Sunday Morning Stoner Vision for the cozy lazy. Takes a minute to load,but worth it when it does. Continue Reading yo
This one is for really really bored people Continue Reading yo
There are a few long but really good ones in this round.Commence Eyeball time now. “In a country well governed, poverty is something to be ashamed of. In a country Continue Reading yo