Hello yo
Here is a collection of piks showcasing the work of artist Robert Amador and myself at UpperPlayground PDX for the month of November 2014. The show is titled “STRANGERS”
The inspiration for my collection of work came from a trip my lovely girlfriend Amalia and I took to Santa fe New Mexico in the summer. The city undergoes a long tourist season throughout the year and there is block after block of all genres of art being showcased yo , it was really beautiful. What inspired me were the Kachina dolls , the Kachina are spirit beings in western Pueblo cosmology and religious practices. One description is:
“The central theme of the kachina [religion] is the presence of life in all objects that fill the universe. Everything has an essence or a life force, and humans must interact with these or fail to survive.[3]“”
This was something I could relate to and personally felt my own work blindly heading towards a similar direction, a kind of psychedelic anthropomorphism going on in the kachina dolls.There are many little stories personal and random within these paintings, but one overall theme is present and that there is a tiny u.f.o. floating by all the heads of each figure represented. The reason for the tiny u.f.o.’s is the fact that they are tiny u.f.o.’s , and I am sorry for such a vague explanation, but that is just about as much sense as I make from it. The mediums I used for this series were acrylic,acrylic ink, pencil and colored pencil. (flyer design by Seth Conley)
oh yeah, get a pillow for that ass cause there are allot of pictures here …
Here are the Kachina’ that were the inspiration that kicked off the series
Robert Amador
Big Big huge thank you! to Blake Johnsen for taking piks of the work , I owe that guy like an arm or somethin.
beautiful custom made frames from my talented buddy Ian Mayer
This one was the show stopper! by Robert Amador
Robert Amador
Robert Amador
Robert Amador
Robert Amador
Robert Amador
Robert Amador
Lil weird dude I made to decompress after the show, I like him and I am gonna make ‘mo’
Robert Amador
Robert Amador
The reflection in this piece shows a guy who came in and said the art was “all right or whatever” then he preceded to ask us for spare change.
Robert Amador has some nice prints in his store here are a few. Robert Amador
Robert Amador
Some work that didn’t make it in the show..
me and my sis as kiddos