Are you gonna get that?

Hello yall

Had an art show at lyrik,  and a whole buncha little partys and gatherings of sillyness, trying to enjoy the final bits of moderately enjoyable weather here in Portland….
lets start at sami’s going away party..she knows alot of good was byob and figure it out.

An Audubon book …its weird how most of these birds look alive but all drawn from stuffed critters..


another 30 hour train ride home back from memorial service on the train were many retired english tourist..the gentleman in back was cool and i overheard one older man tell his wife to “bugger off”

tired of jesus? try Joaquin

tri joaquin

nice people on train, this guy is  from bali , he doesn’t know this woman but he put his arm around her for the photo..

these two were adorable, you meet alot of people on long train rides..

back in portland..this an awesome thing you can buy to place over your television…Me and tripper put some google eyes on the creature down the street..

these frames are cool but tricky I broke the glass on this one…

getting ready for the  “makin mistakes” show at lyrik cafe this month

there is oringinal art drawn on the tables of the cafe by some cool artist

Ruby Jets

Zach Johnsen

Blaine fontana


jason makin istakes

opening day worked on this hours before show..a gift for elliott’s gal, she stayed with this women Vandana shiva  for months in india…


a tattoo design I did for fellow artist and friend zak but i dont know his last name..

Ryan bubnis stops by , he and his wife Cecilia were some of the first friends I made here in portland ..hes a bad ass artist here is a sample of his new work:

Ryan Bubnis

Morgaine Faye rolled through as well …another awesome doodler:

Morgaine Faye

those last two photos courtesy of tugboat mingles…

went to a birthday party afterwards where local band “O bruxo”  played and good friend Dj papi was spinning …alot of good people..

The crazy thing is that I used to hang out at this same house two years previous to being there..and it was inhabited by a whole different group of people..I would get stoned and play this piano for hours in solitude, now its at a party…

dannybon bon and milikin two of the best musicians in portland both with the attention spans of something without an attention span..

this guy tried to lamely flip off the camera..just do it yah puss

Danny and I got sharp as knives and I went on my merry way..late night bike rides are by far more magical than the day…

And then blam!!  your mind is blown and you see behind the veil and realize you are no longer on earth or in the universe your in these guy’s living room  for their entertainment  they are like gods of Olympus calmly sitting and watching and at anytime those bastards can change the channel …

on this corner the GOD’s  offer you a seat..

and then the state in which you dwell

I do believe that should be enough for now..till next time tootles…

8 Replies to “Are you gonna get that?”

  1. finally got around to checking out yer blog! i dig it!

    sincerely, clare from the 30 hour train ride (as seen in picture above)

  2. Hey ! Do you have any idea what happened to Ruby Jets…. one of his drawings is shown in this blog ….. been searching for him for years now …. very talented writer and artist 1 love ~ jimmie

  3. Hello

    Jimmie Macc
    I havent seen Ruby for some time now, Last time I saw him was on Hawthorne so I do believe he is still in southeast Portland. I would try the bar “Dots” I know he worked there for years and has many friends there. Good luck!!

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